Tsev caab saab XeemKwm.com tsim tawm xyoo 2009 lug ntawm ib cov Moob Kwm nyob lub teb chaws Asmeslikas. Xaav kuas yog ib qhov chaw rua peb txhua tug kwv tij tuaj sis ntsib, sis thaam hab sis nug moo nyob nruab ntug thoob qaab ntuj. Tsim kev sis raug zoo, kev kwv tij, khaws peb kaab lig kev cai. Zoo le lub qhov rais qheb rua peb sis pum thoob nplaj teb. Txawm peb ib leeg yuav nyob ib qho dleb npaum twg los peb yeej tuaj tau rua ntawm nuav ua ke, pum ua ke hab ncaaj tuab lub sij hawm.
Yog ib qhov chaw lom zem ua si hab txuas moog rua lwm qhov chaw tsev caab saab tseem ceeb nyob rua nruab ntug. Yog ib lub tsev caab saab sau ua ob yaam lug Moob hab Aaskiv sub peb cov kwv tij kws tseem tsis tau txawj ntawv Aaskiv txhaj le paub.
Caw ib tsoom kwv tij nrug xaa mej tej kev paub, kev kawm hab kev txawj ntse moog koom tso rua lub tsev caab saab nuav rua ib tsoom kwv tij tau paub hab kawm.
About Us
XeemKwm.com started in 2009 by a group of Hmong Kue, based in the United States of America. Our aim is to establish a positive connection between Kue for sharing information, strengthen relationship, preserving our culture and heritage. It is a window to reach out all Kue throughout the world as the first Kue International Online Information and accessible for everyone. No matter where and how far we are, we can come here online at the same page and be at the same time.
A place for entertainment and links to many other useful websites on the Internet. It is a bilingual site in Hmong and English so that our Kue brothers and sisters who cannot read and write English can understand.
We welcome your contributions of articles, knowledge, ideas, advices and experiences to this site to educate, help and share information to our fellow Hmong Kue.