MOOB KWM LE KEEB KWM ( Kue History ) Xeem Moob Kwm kuj yog ib xeem ntawm 18 xeem Moob lug sis koom ua ib haiv neeg Moob. Peb Moob Kwm le keeb kwm mas muaj pav ua lug nruag tseg ca has tas thau nyob rua Suav Tuam Tshoj teb mas yog muaj 2 tug yawm koob los sis yawm suab yog ob kwv tij. Tug tij laug lub npe hu ua yawm Tsuj Ntaus Nrig, tug kwv lub npe hu ua yawm Yig Ncaws Taw. Luas keev hu ob tug lub npe le nuav vim tas ob tug txawj ntaus lawj xeeb, ntaus teg taw hab nyob muaj koob nto npe heev. Moov tsis muaj tug tij laug tau taag sim neej lawm tshuav tug kwv xwb. Tug kwv txhaj le xaav tas tsaam tsis muaj noob coob, nwg txhaj le yuav 3 tug quas puj. Thawj tug nam hlub yog nam Moob, tug nam nraab yog nam Maab hab tug nam yau yog nam Suav. Ua neej tsis tau ntev kuj muaj miv tub miv nyuas coob puv vaaj puv tsev. Tab sis moov los kuj tsis zoo, leej txiv kuj tau taag sim neej lawm. Cov miv tub miv nyuas los twb tseem tsis tau hlub tav nam tav txiv. Tshuav puab 3 tug ua nam tsis pum qaab yuav ua le caag, nyag txawm coj nyag cov miv nyuas moog lawv nyag neej nyag tsaav. Tom qaab tej miv tub miv nyuas luj hlub tav nam tav txiv, tsis paub kaab lig kev cai lawm ces nyag ca le coj kaab lig kev cai lawv le nyag neej nyag tsaav lawm. Tom qaab ntawd, tej miv tub miv nyuas hlub tav nam tav txiv lawm maam le ho rov sis nrhav hab sis sau lug nyob ua kwv ua tij. Moob Kwm txhaj le muaj nam Moob tub, nam Maab tub hab nam Suav tub. Hab cov kwv tij kws tseem coj qub kev cai yaav ntuj qub qaab ib leeg txhaj le ua kaab lig kev cai txawv miv ntsiv mas vim lub hauv paug yog lug le ntawd. Tab sis tom qaab nua tsoom kwv tij suav dlawg kuj tau lug sis thaam hab sis qha tes suav dlawg kuj yog lug sis koom ua tuab tug kaab lig kev cai le ntau lawm. Peb Moob Kwm kuj muaj cov has lug Moob Leeg hab has lug Moob Dlawb tuab yaam nkaus le lwm xeem Moob hab. Vim ib leeg moog nyob ib lub teb chaws, tej zag yuav ua rua peb tsoom kwv tij Moob Kwm ib leeg hu ib leeg lub xeem txawv lawm xws le Nkws, Kwv, Kwm Ncuab, Xej Nkws hab lwm yaam. Tab sis qhov tseeb tag peb tsuas muaj tuab lub npe xeem, yog tuab tsob kwv tij Moob Xeem Kwm nkaus xwb. Lub npe xeem Kwm yog lub ib txwm siv hu nyob huv peb tsoom kwv tij hab luas lwm xeem Moob los yeej paub tas peb lub npe xeem yog xeem Kwm lug moog lawm ntev. Raws le keeb kwm teev tseg tas kwv yees le xyoo 1800s tom qaab Moob swb rog nrug Suav lawd, ib cov kwv tij Moob Kwm kuj nrug lwm paab xeem Moob nyob rua Suav teb. Tab sis cov Moob kws tau tsiv tawm huv Suav teb moog kuj muaj Moob Kwm tau tsiv nrug lwm xeem Moob lug nyob rua saab Nyaaj Laaj teb, Nplog teb hab Thaib teb. Dlhau le ntawd lug moog tom qaab xyoo 1975 ncua tsuv rog Nyaab Laaj "Vietnam War" xaus, peb ib cov Moob Kwm feem ntau yog nyob huv Nplog teb kuj ho tau tsiv ua pej xeem tawg rog moog nyob rua txawv teb chaws ntau lub xws le Australia, Canada, France hab United States. Xeem Moob Kwm kuj muaj tsis coob npaum le lwm xeem Moob kws coob dlua, tab sis xeem Moob Kwm kuj ho coob dlua le lwm xeem Moob kws tsawg dlua hab. |
HMONG AMERICAN HISTORY TIMELINE by Dr. Kao-Ly Yang 2700 BC: Description in the Chinese Annals of Chi-You, the mythical ancestor of the Miao people in Central China, near the Yellow River or Yang Tse Kiang. The Miao tribe under Chiyou defeated at Zhuolu defunct prefecture on the border of today provinces of Hebei and Liaoning) by Huang Di leader of the Huaxia tribe as they struggled for supremacy of the Huang He valley. 2200 BC: Battle of the "San Miao" against the great Yu who exterminated this ethnic group 1728-1736: Rebellion of Miao in Guizhou against military pressure in sight of assimilating Miao into Han. >> Read more. - - - - - - - - - |
THE HMONG GENOCIDE AND IMMIGRATION by Cy Thao. The paintings tell traditional and contemporary stories of Hmong culture and migration at the Center for Holocaust & genocide Studies, Universiy of Minnesota. >> Read more. - - - - - - - - - |
PA CHAY VUE Encyclopedia Also known as Paj Cai Vwj or Puas Cai Vwj, led the Hmong people in the Madman's War revolt against French rule in French Indochina from 1918 to 1921. He is considered a hero among the Hmong who sided against the French. >> Read more. - - - - - - - - - |
MOOB LUB KEEBKWM by Paozeb Thao, Ph.D. Txij thaus peb xeevxwm lug moog, Moob yeej ibtxwm muaj nyob rua Suav tuamtshoj tebchaws tau tshaaj le 5,000 xyoo lug lawm. >> Read more. - - - - - - - - - |
THE MIAO ETHNIC MINORITY With a population of 8,940,116, the Miao people form one of the largest ethnic minorities in southwest China. They are mainly distributed across Guizhou, Yunnan, Hunan and Sichuan provinces and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and a small number live on Hainan Island in Guangdong Province and in southwest Hubei Province. Most of them live in tightly-knit communities. >> Read more. - - - - - - - - - |
HMONG EARLY HISTORY Hmong American Ad Hoc The origins of the Hmong are obscure and the subject of speculation and debate. Hmong folktales-which describe an ancient homeland of ice and snow, darkness and light-have led some to speculate that the Hmong originated in central Siberia, although there is no independent evidence for this theory. >> Read more. - - - - - - - - - |