As parents we spend so much of our time talking to our kids — and then wonder why they don't seem to hear us. In heated moments, we find ourselves stuck in power struggles, but can't figure out what to say to stop the fighting. Sometimes we just don't know how to answer a tough question.
Why can talking with kids be so hard? "The basic challenge is that parents very often speak without understanding how their children receive the message," says Michael Thompson, Ph.D., co-author of Raising Cain. "We often make an assumption that our kids understand. But then we wonder, 'Why didn't they do what I said?'"
While many parent-child conversations can lead to misunderstandings, becoming an effective communicator is not only possible - it can even be fun! In this guide you will find practical ways to communicate effectively with kids of any age, using words they can hear and techniques that make sense. The information is based on successful strategies that parents and experts (many of them parents themselves) have used with kids.
Remember: There is no script to memorize or order you have to follow. Think of these easy-to-employ ideas as tools you can pull out when you need them to help you and your child understand each other. And keep in mind that there are important times when NOT talking at all may be your best option. >> Read more.
To support and encourage our Kue smart kids for their talents in pursue their dreams. Young adults or teens have any special talents in any area categories . . . . . please let us know. We would be more than happy to post it here for FREE to all Hmong Kues and the world to know and see you. It can be anything from pictures, videos, printed materials or webPages. Xaav muab txuj kev paab hab txhawb peb cov tub ntxhais Moob Kwm kws muaj lub laaj lim tswv yim zoo hab muaj peev xwm. Peb zoo sab tso tawm koj txuj kev txawj ntse txhua yaam rua hov nuav pub dlawb rua ib tsoom kwv tij Moob Kwm hab taag nrho lub qaab ntuj tau paub hab pum koj. Yuav nyam yog dluab, yeeb yaam moog kev, ntaub ntawv los sis tsev caab saab le caag los tau.
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Through family we find ourselves as we give and receive support.
Family brings out the best and worst in each of us. As we yield to and serve others we learn to love them and ourselves in the process. Many of us could never approach this form of selflessness in any other way. There is something about a mother or a father, a son or a daughter. There is a connection there that binds us and asks more of us then we are normally willing to give. When we are true to ourselves and follow our feelings and share openly and honestly with our loved ones we remember why family is important. And we are well rewarded for our sacrifice as it enables us to better appreciate who we are. On the other hand, when we yield to our selfishness and take our family members for granted or treat them poorly we lose our sense of self-worth and begin to despise those whom we once loved. >> Read more